So much going on at Grace Church, use this page to sign up, donate, or rsvp for any of these events.

2025 Pledge Drive – Fill out your pledge form online by Clicking Here

2025 Youth Mission Trip Sign up. Click Here

Shepherds Table Ministry allows parishioners to be directly involved with the most vulnerable in our community. Shepherd’s Table serves a population experiencing food insecurity, homelessness, and poverty. Grace Church members serve brunch on the first Saturday of the month, from 9am – 12pm. Duties include serving food and drinks, greeting and assisting clients with seating, washing dishes, food prep, and post-service clean up, sweeping and mopping. Volunteers need only sign up for the dates they are interested in – there is no standing commitment. Shepherd’s Table provides SSL hours for students looking to complete their school-related volunteer requirements. Kids 13+ may volunteer with an adult, kids over 16 may volunteer on their own.  SIGN UP FOR SHEPHERD”S TABLE

Sunday, January 26, 3:00pm A Concert of Remembrance – A double bill presentation of The Mozart Requiem and The Chariot Jubilee by R. Nathaniel Dett. Featuring the Chancel Choir of Grace Episcopal Church, Sam Bonds Chorale, The Muse N Motion Dance Company. General Admission $25. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE TICKETS