Grace has a vibrant group of families with young children who gather, both at church during worship and also out in the community, roughly once a month. Parents have found it extremely fulfilling to build relationships with one another while their children wear each other out at a local park.


Grace Church Young Adults are a group of people in their 20s and 30s who have found a spiritual home at Grace. Our young adults are singled and coupled and share a commitment to build deeper relationships within Grace Church. They gather roughly once a month for social connection, spiriual exploration, service or simply to have fun, depending on the month.


The mission of Strolling Seniors is to promote community by providing small group interaction among church members. The focus is to provide seniors who cannot drive an outing where they can socialize and enjoy a trip.


We are an informal fellowship open to any man in the parish. All are welcome.

What began in 2007 as a quest for fellowship and connection has grown into a group with a clear mission that focuses on 3 goals.

First, through our activities we seek to strengthen the bonds of community here at Grace. Whether working on our own or in concert with other ministries we strive to create ties that reach beyond our time in the sanctuary.

Second, we want to spread the word about Grace Church to the larger community. Through events like the Pig Roast we invite our neighbors to come and meet the people of Grace Church.

Finally, in our activities we strive to keep our youth connected to the church. Sometimes that means assisting the Youth Group with their own events, while at other times it means involving youth in Men’s Group activities.

We meet for breakfast on the first Saturday of each month in the Undercroft.


Building on the Episcopal Church’s Covenant for the Care of Creation our Grace Church Creation Care team seeks to explore ways for us to live out our faith in a way that allows us to be loving stewards of the resources we have and reconciles us to God’s creation around us.


Grace Church has long been known for its love of fellowship, fun, and food! We are a community that eagerly engages in a wide range of fellowship events, always with food. Through these events, we catch up with parish friends, while welcoming the newcomer in our midst. We enjoy breaking bread together, we care deeply, laugh easily, and rejoice in our time together. The Hospitality Ministry helps to create these special fellowship opportunities, as well as support other ministries in planning their events. Most months at Grace, the Hospitality Ministry hosts an event, ranging from Ministry Sunday September to our annual Parish Picnic in June. It also hosts Fellowship Brunches and special events like our annual Christmas Cookie Share.


The Craft Guild supports the ministries of Grace through the creation of handmade treasures for sale at the Bazaar while seeking to create fellowship opportunities within the parish and community. The offer of handcrafted gifts at all price points in turn supports the inclusive and intergenerational fellowship of the Bazaar, where shoppers of all means and ages can find great Christmas gifts.


This is not your Grandma’s Christmas Bazaar! This annual event engages many of the Parish ministries and members of Grace who come together in fun and fellowship to support our largest single-day annual fundraiser. Grace members donate their time, talents and treasures to help kick off the Christmas season. Hundreds of folks from Grace and the surrounding community attend this opportunity to socialize and shop. Proceeds from the bazaar support all ministries within the church.


More information coming soon. Please check back.