Caregiving is the work of Christian community. Many consider caregiving the work of the clergy, and yet caregiving is everyone’s work. From greeting fellow parishioners by name, to introducing yourself to those you do not know, to praying for those on our prayer lists, to providing a ride, a meal, a loving phone call. God’s people at Grace Church care for one another.

Both clergy and trained parish members make pastoral visits. Pastoral visits offer a ministry of presence – of being with those in need of comfort and/or company. If you are a part of the Grace Church community and in need of a pastoral visit, please contact our Rector, Sarah Odderstol. If you are experiencing a pastoral emergency, you may reach Pastor Sarah at 847-989-6870.


Eucharistic Visitors are a group of trained lay Eucharistic ministers who are grounded in our beautiful, sacred, ancient, traditional liturgy. Their mission is to serve any parishioner unable to attend church but who would like to receive communion and has requested a Eucharistic visit by calling our church office.


Founded in 1885, the Daughters of the King is an international religious order whose mission is the extension of Christ’s Kingdom through Prayer, Service and Evangelism. DOK members go through a period of study and reflection focused on strengthening our relationship with Jesus and with each other. The activities of Neema Chapter at Grace reflect this focus. We pray daily for the needs of Grace Church, our parish leaders, those listed on our prayer list, and for the whole church. Church members may request prayers through a prayer box maintained in the Chapel, or they may approach any Daughter with a prayer request. All prayer requests are kept confidential.

Throughout the year, the Daughters offer Healing Prayers on the third Sunday of every month during the Eucharist, and during the Lenten season, the Daughters offer healing prayers every Sunday. On occasion we hold spiritual events, such as a Lenten quiet day, that are open to the entire congregation. The Daughters maintain a prayer shawl ministry, making and accepting prayer shawls from the church community. Grace’s pastoral care team delivers the prayer shawls to those in need. The Neema chapter of the Daughters of the King also serves the broader community through preparing layettes for teen mothers.