Since March of 2020, we traveled through the uncharted territory of a global pandemic. This journey affected us as individuals and as communities, as members of our home parishes, the Diocese of Washington, and even the Episcopal Church at large. Above all else, God has sustained us through this journey and it is our faith that has brought us this far.
It is the same faith that has led God’s people for centuries, and we are now invited to share the journey by joining in the renewing work of the Spirit happening all around us. This includes the continued financial support of our churches. More than ever, we must express our love and gratitude by continuing to pledge to the parish that is our spiritual home. There is much to celebrate and there is much to do. We are able to gather freely with our families, friends, and fellow parishioners. We are able to worship God with singing, and we are able to engage in the important work of rebuilding our communities. Throughout the pandemic, the on-going financial commitment of our parishioners permitted Grace to continue to pay clergy and staff as well as provide support for creative and life-giving ministry. Going forward, it will be essential for that support to continue and grow so that we can say, with the saints, that we have come this far by faith, and indeed, the best is yet to come.
Stewardship begins with an understanding that everything we have comes from God. We are blessed in so many different ways by a God who is active in our own lives as well as scripture, history and all of creation. Grateful for the gifts, large and small, which God has given us, we are invited by God to respond to God’s grace by generously giving back, by sharing the gifts and blessings that have been bestowed upon us, and by caring for the world which God has entrusted to us.
Stewardship is about getting involved – giving your time, sharing your gifts and talents, and supporting the church financially. Your involvement enables Grace Church to do its work and ministry. We strongly believe: the more involved you are, the more we can do for God.
The Stewardship Committee is one of the busiest and most important ministries at Grace. Every year, the committee host Ministry Sunday early in September so parishioners can learn (or relearn) about our many ministries and the ways in which they can get involved. In recent years, the Stewardship Committee has also been working on making Grace more environmentally friendly.
Every October, the Stewardship Committee oversees our Every Member Canvass when we ask parishioners to make a financial pledge to Grace for the upcoming year in support of the church’s work and ministry. Our hope and expectation is that all members of the Grace Church family will support the church by making a pledge. The commitment and support of our parishioners enable us to proclaim the Good News of God, to love our neighbors as ourselves and strive for justice and peace among all people.