At Grace, the Altar Guild is a ministry — a ministry of service. The members (women and men) of the Altar Guild serve the Church under the direction of the clergy and are responsible for setting up and caring for the furnishings in the nave, sanctuary, and sacristy, as well as any other area of the church where special worship will take place.

The Altar Guild is responsible for tasks such as:

  • Preparing the altar
  • Laying out the vestments and vessels for worship
  • Setting the credence table with the elements (bread and wine) to be administered during communion
  • Laundering and ironing altar and worship linens, polishing brass and silver, filling candles and various other tasks.
  • Ensuring the altar is dressed in the proper color of the day (frontal hanging, burse, etc.)
  • Cleaning up after services and either preparing for another service or “closing down” for the day

The Altar Guild is a ministry of “quiet service.” It’s behind the scenes, but a most critical act of service to the church. The objective is the same for any weekly or special service: to make each service as perfect as possible.

We encourage participation in this important ministry and we welcome men and women to join our “teams” who take pride in preparing all areas of our church for worship. All are welcome.


The mission of the Acolytes Guild is to assist the clergy as needed in the ministration of the worship services at Grace Episcopal Church. This concept goes back to the time of the Old Testament. The goals of the Acolytes Guild are to serve those worshiping at Grace Church and to assist in forming the faith of the youth who serve in the Acolytes Guild.

Approximately 30 youth and young adults are members of the Acolytes Guild. They serve on a rotating basis (generally once a month) throughout the year. Acolytes begin serving in the fifth grade and serve on a regular basis until they graduate from high school. Acolytes often continue to serve while they attend college and serve at special services over Christmas and Easter and otherwise as needed.The Acolytes Guild includes five (5) adult supervisors, each assigned to one of the five teams.

When acolytes join the Guild, they begin by carrying candles in processions and during the recessional, and in lighting and extinguishing the candles. As they become more experienced, acolytes assist in carrying banners, distributing alms basons and collecting the offering from the ushers, carrying the Gospel Book in procession, assisting in the preparation of the preparation of the Table, and assisting during the ministration of Communion as needed. The senior acolyte on each team coordinates acolyte assignments for the team once the service begins and provides guidance to younger acolytes during the service.


The Flower Guild’s mission is to order and design altar flower arrangements to the glory of God to celebrate worship during the Sunday services as well as for Christmas, Palm Sunday, Easter, baptisms, weddings, funerals, and other special services. The Flower Guild will provide training, workshops, and mentorship. We welcome new members


Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) serve at Sunday worship services and other special services where there is communion. They lead the congregation in the Prayers of the People, and administer the cup at communion. In addition, at the 8 a.m. service, they read the lessons, and they serve as acolytes, at the credence table, and by receiving the offering plates.

Lectors read the lessons at the 10:30 a.m. service, and absent a choir, also lead the congregation in the psalm.


The Ushers are responsible for welcoming parishioners and guests, seating guests and maintaining the order and security of services. Ushers hand out bulletins, take up the offering, direct people for communion, deliver flowers after the service. All are welcome to usher, as well as families with children.