We worship three times every Sunday, and our services feature excellent music and insightful sermons which bring the good news of Jesus to bear on everyday living, and where the Eucharist (communion) is celebrated and offered for the people of God. All services are being held in the Sanctuary, and can be viewed via our streaming platform on Facebook. Past record services can be found on Youtube.
7:45am is our Rite I Service, from The Book of Common Prayer, which incorporates updated Elizabethan style language, and is accompanied by organ and hymn singing, while being a more contemplative service with a smaller group of devoted attendees.
9:00am is our Worship Together Service: a relaxed and shortened worship opportunity where all are welcome, especially children and their families. At this service, Heather, our music director, leads and invites children and their parents to participate in making music with various percussion instruments, during the hymns and at Eucharist. We encourage older children to read the lesson and lead the prayers as they feel comfortable.
10:30am is our significantly larger service with people of all ages attending. During the program year, there is a large choir, often accompanied by the youth choir. There are also youth acolytes, lay readers, and lay Eucharistic ministers who help to lead our worship. The pattern of our worship is primarily centered on the Rite II Eucharist Service of The Book of Common Prayer, but also includes opportunities to use different services, like Morning Prayer, and other services from the wider Anglican Communion, like the Eucharist Service from the New Zealand Book of Common Prayer.
Baptism is a milestone in the Christian faith journey, signifying obedience to the commands of the Lord Jesus Christ. In Baptism we are initiated into the Body of Christ, the Church.
We hold services of Baptism on select Sundays, in the presence of the gathered church family. This stresses that our fundamental commitment to God is public, not private, and we need the community of faith to live out our baptismal vows.
For more information about baptism dates, scheduling a baptism, baptism preparation sessions, and other requirements for Holy Baptism, please contact a member of the clergy or the church office.
The Church takes marriage very seriously: “Holy Matrimony is Christian marriage, in which two people enter into a life‐long union, make their vows before God and The Church, and receive the grace and blessing of God to help them fulfill their vows.” (Book of Common Prayer, p. 861) Marriage is a sacramental rite of the Church, and a wedding is a sacred liturgy celebrating the sacrament.
Couples interested in marriage at Grace Church should be connected to the life and ministry of the parish. For more information about other requirements for Holy Matrimony at Grace Church, please contact a member of the clergy or the church office.
We know that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. The Episcopal Burial Rite proclaims this truth as it seeks to celebrate the life of the deceased and comfort the living who mourn.
People interested in holding a funeral for their loved one at Grace Church should be connected to the life and ministry of the parish. For more information about funerals at Grace Church, please contact a member of the clergy or the church office.